Traits - Space Station 13 Wiki (2024)

Traits are little things that can make your character unique. There are two types of traits: ones you gain by selecting them in "Character Setup" and ones you gain by joining as a certain job.

While there is some overlap, as some traits give mutations, these should be considered distinct from Genetics Mutations, which use a very different system and have different methods for obtaining them. Similarly, while gene strains are sometimes called "traits", they are also part of an entirely separate set of game mechanics.

These are traits that you gain by configuring the "Traits" screen in "Character Setup". Some are purely cosmetic, like having a funny Swedish accent or getting a fancy hat. Some are debilitating, like having an addiction, being blind, or not being able to be cloned.

Character-setup traits use a point-build system. Positive traits usually take away points when you add them on, while negative ones typically give points, increasing the amount of positive traits you can get. Traits that are completely cosmetic, have little gameplay impact, or have upsides that are balanced by downsides tend to give zero points. You start with 1 point. Some traits are also associated with certain categories, and you can only have one trait from that category; you can freely combine traits with no category. You can have as many traits as you want!

There are a couple of ways to configure your character's traits. If you want to get the most mechanical benefit out of this system, pick as many positive traits as you can and try to get down to 0. Alternatively, if you want to give yourself a challenge, try picking nothing but negative traits.

You can also use these traits to facilitate roleplay and flesh out characters. For example, you could give your character Matrix Flopout and Blind and say it's because they lost their sight while fighting in Pod Wars but learned some sweet-ass moves while trying to overcome their disability. Or, you could give them Medical Allergy and make it so one of their flaws is that they're scared of going to the doctor/Medbay, and for good reason.

NamePoint ChangeCategoryDescriptionEffectAdamantium Skeleton-2BodyHalves the chance that an explosion will blow off your limbs.Halves the chance that an explosion will blow off your limbs.Deaf+1BodySpawn with permanent deafness and an auditory headset.You spawn with permanent deafness and an auditory headset.Swedish0LanguageYou are from Sweden. Meatballs and so on.You speak with a Swedish accent mutation.French0LanguageYou are from Quebec. Y'know, the other Canada.You have the accent of the Space French Space Québécois.Scots0LanguageHear the pipes are calling, down thro' the glen. Och aye!You speak with a Scottish accent mutation.Tyke0LanguageYou're from Oop North in Yorkshire, and don't let anyone forget it!You speak with a Yorksire accent, like the Space Yorkies who live in the "oop North" parts of Space England.Chav0LanguageU wot m8? I sware i'll fite u.You speak with a chav accent mutation.Funky Accent0LanguageGive a man a banana and he will clown for a day. Teach a man to clown and he will live in a cold dark corner of a space station for the rest of his days. - Elvis, probably.You speak the king's English...the King of Rock and Roll! You speak with an Elvis Presley accent mutation.Finnish Accent0Language. . . and you thought space didn't have Finns?You speak with the accent of the taciturn, knife-wielding Space Finns.German0LanguageYou're from somewhere in the middle of Texas. Prost y'all.You spawn with Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-DE, aka a German accent (specifically the Hochdeutsch dialect). Notably, "w" becomes "v". Sometimes, you pronounce "th" as "d", other times, "th" becomes "z".Cat Eyes-1VisionYou can see 2 tiles further in the dark.You can see 2 tiles further in the dark.Infravision-1VisionYou gain permanent infravision.You can see text people have written with infrared pens.Short-Sighted+1VisionSpawn with permanent short-sightedness and glasses.You spawn with bad eyesight and a pair of glasses.Blind+2VisionSpawn with permanent blindnesss and a VISOR.You are blind and can only see by wearing a VISOR. Your blindness cannot be removed with mutadone or oculine.Stable Genes-2GeneticsYou are less likely to mutate from radiation or mutagens.Your mutation chance is halved. Most of the time.Mildly Mutated0GeneticsActivates a random mutation in your gene pool.You start with a random one of the mutations in your gene pool activated.NT Loyalist-1TrinketsStart with a Nanotrasen Beret as your trinket.You spawn with a Nanotrasen Beret as your trinket. This also makes you unable to spawn as a Head Revolutionary, overriding what you set in your preferences. You can still be converted over to the revolution as normal.Petasusaphilic-1TrinketsStart with a random hat as your trinket.Start with a random hat as your trinket.Conspiracy Theorist-1TrinketsStart with a tin foil hat as your trinket.Start with a tinfoil hat as your trinkets. You also get an objective with a silly randomly-generated conspiracy theory. Taking this trait does not make you an Antagonist.Pawn Star0TrinketsYou sold your trinket before you departed for the station. You start with a bonus of 25% of your starting cash in your inventory.The stack of credits you have on you when you spawn is 125% of its normal value. Does affect initial bank balance.BEEst Friend-1TrinketsStart with a bee egg as your trinket.Your trinket is a space bee egg. Adorable!Pet Person-1TrinketsStart with your (possibly lovable) pet!Your trinket is now a pet carrier containing a random critter, with a random name and appearance if applicable. They don't defend you if you get attacked, but they will fight back if someone messes with them specifically. In addition, animals that are normally hostile start tame. Pets from this do not count for Noah's Shuttle.

The expandable below shows the possible pets you can get via this trait. Notice that it does not include Adventure Zone enemies, fish, monkeys, chickens, space bees (get BEEst Friend for that), pets that already spawn elsewhere (e.g. Remy), mentor mice, or admin-only creatures.

Possible Pets

  • Armadillos
  • Bats
  • Bunnies
  • Butterflies
  • Cats
  • co*ckroaches
  • Crabs
  • Dogs
  • Ferrets
  • Frogs
  • Hares
  • Iguanas
  • Living plush toys
  • Mice
  • Moths
  • Parrots
  • Possums
  • Raccoons
  • Rattlesnakes
  • Scorpions
  • Slugs
  • Snails
  • Sparrows
  • Wasps
Lunchbox-1TrinketsStart your shift with a cute little lunchbox, packed with all your favourite foods!Instead of your usual trinket, you get a lunchbox! There are many different colors, and each one comes with three food items from a set list and an amusing note.Bald0TrinketsStart your shift with a wig instead of hair. I'm sure no one will be able to tell.Start completely bald! A wig in the style of your hair from the character editor will spawn in your inventory.All Ears0NoneYou lost your headset on the way to work.You spawn without a headset. If you have Deaf, you still have your auditory headset.Smooth Talker-1SkillTraders will tolerate 50% more when you are haggling with them.Traders are 50% less likely to reject your haggling offer.Matrix Flopout-2SkillFlipping lets you dodge bullets and attacks for a higher stamina cost!Your flips now cost 50 stamina, but every flip now gives you a brief quarter-second period where you dodge all melee attacks, bullets, lasers, tasers, phasers, and everything else the game, for whatever reason, considers a projectile.Happyfeet-1SkillSometimes people can't help but dance along with you.When you dance, you have a 33% chance of making others dance too.Claw School Graduate- 1SkillYour skill at claw machines is unparalleled.You will never botch an attempt to grab something from a claw machine, i.e. each try will always yield a prize.Athletic-2StatsGreat stamina! Frail body.You have 1.1x max stamina (220 total) and 1.2x stamina regen (12 regen) but take 33% more BRUTE damage from all sources.Big Bruiser-2StatsStronger punches but higher stamina cost!Your punches do 1.25x stamina damage than normal but cost 2x as much stamina.Slow Strider+2StatsWhat's the rush? You can't sprint anymoreYep, you can't sprint. Abilities that use sprint, like the vampire Bat Form ability, still work, but you don't receive the sprint speed boost. You also still get the small movement boosts from going in a straight line for a long enough time.Hemophilia+1NoneYou bleed more easily and you bleed more.You have a 300% chance to bleed more.Frail Constitution+2NoneYour internal organs (brain included) are extremely vulnerable to damage.You take twice as much organ damage and brain damage, e.g. meth now has a chance of dealing 2 brain damage instead of just 1, and being in critical condition is more deadly. The extra vulnerability still applies if you replace your organs or augment them with synthorgans or cyberorgans.Slow Metabolism0NoneAny chemicals in you body deplete much more slowly.Any chemicals in your body deplete twice as slowly.Career Alcoholic0NoneYou gain alcohol resistance but your speech is permanently slurred.You gain alcohol resistance like the bartender, but your speech is slurred.Medical Allergy+1AllergyYou're allergic to some medical chemical... but you can't remember which.You're allergic to a random medicine. The game doesn't tell you which one at round-start, but you can find it out by looking at your MedTrak record on a medical computer. When you have this chemical in your system, your body produces some histamine.Allergy0AllergyYou're allergic to... something. You can't quite remember, but bad could it possibly be?You're allergic to a random chemical, chosen from a list that includes stuff like water, salt, soybean oil, oxygen, a few common drugs, a couple of medicines, some poisons--basically a sampling of every reagent category. You don't know which one at round-start, but you can find it out by looking at your MedTrak record on a medical computer. When you have this chem in your system, your body produces some histamine.Addict+2NoneYou spawn with a random addiction. Once cured there is a small chance that you will suffer a relapse.You spawn with an addiction of either: bath salts, LSD, space drugs, THC, psilocybin, cat drugs, or meth. It is possible to relapse.Strong willed-1NoneYou are more resistant to addiction.Your chance of getting addicted to each of the addictive chemicals is halved.Addictive Personality+1NoneYou are less resistant to addiction.You are twice as likely to gain a drug addiction than normal.Unionized-1NoneYou start with a higher paycheck than normal.Your paycheck is 150% of its normal value. This also prevents you from getting a magnetic field from the Bio-Magnetic Field event, because puns.Jailbird-1NoneYou have a criminal record and are currently on the run!You are wanted for a random minor and major crime, which are visible on the Secmate records and told to you upon spawning, and your Secmate status is set to Arrest. Be careful around Beepsky and fear anybody with SecHUD vision. Having Jailbird does not make you an Antagonist.Clerical Error0NoneThe name on your starting ID is misspelled.The name on your starting ID is misspelled.Chem Resistant-2NoneYou are more resistant to chem overdoses.You overdose at 65% higher amounts than normal.Clown Disbelief0NoneYou refuse to acknowledge that clowns could exist on a space station.You become unable to see anyone wearing a clown suit, and their overhead text seems to appear from nowhere. This includes yourself, so if you spawn as Clown with this trait, you can't see yourself. Clowns are able to tell if someone has this trait by examining them, which will return that the person "doesn't seem to notice you".Puritan+2NoneYou can not be cloned. Any attempt will end badly.You will gib once the cloning process is started. Strange reagent doesn't work either. You cannot take this with the Skeleton trait.Survivalist-1NoneFood will heal you even if you are badly injured.Food will still heal you if you are above 10 health.Smoker-1NoneYou will not absorb any chemicals from smoking cigarettes.You will not absorb any chemicals from smoking cigarettes. You will also spawn with a zippo lighter as an extra trinket.Pilot0BackgroundYou spawn in a pod off-station with a Space GPS, Emergency Oxygen Tank, Breath Mask and proper protection, but you have no PDA and your pod cannot open wormholes.More specifically, you spawn in a civilian MiniPutt (space-based maps)/minisub (ocean-based maps) and get a Space GPS, breath mask, emergency oxygen tank, and either emergency suit & hood set if you're in space or a civilian diving suit & helmet if you're in the ocean. You spawn with no PDA, but still get an ID.

This putt/sub has good health, but it has no weapon or comms system, and its engine cannot make wormholes. On ocean maps, you'll appear in a random spot in the Trench, while on space maps, you can appear in either the Debris Field or Mining Level; in both cases, the game will try not to spawn near enemies.

Heavy Sleeper0BackgroundYou always sleep through the start of the shift, and wake up in a random bed.You spawn in one of the beds on the station/ship, asleep. You'll wake up 10 seconds after spawning, (and you'll get a message, "Hey, you! You're finally awake!", because memes) though it's still up to you if you want to actually get out of bed. You can't spawn in beds that are off-station (e.g. Adventure Zone), on the Listening Post, in Space, or on the Seafloor.Party Animal0BackgroundYou don't remember much about last night, but you know you had a good time.You spawn in the Bar, wearing a party hat, with 0 to 60 units of ethanol in your bloodstream. If you have 20 units or more of ethanol or join after roundstart, you also spawn lying down, Unconscious for 3 seconds. If you readied up before roundstart, you start near a stool, sometimes with a snack, drink bottle, or other party item near you, sometimes with vomit or other debris nearby. If you latejoin, you spawn under a table and roll out, with no party clutter.Nervous+1NoneWitnessing injuries or violence will sometimes make you freak out.Witnessing injuries or violence will make you freak out 8% of the time. Doing so will cause a short stun and will make you drop your items. This can be prevented entirely by having CBD in your bloodstream.Human Torch+2NoneFire no longer slowly peters out when you're burning.If you're on fire, the fire won't go away on its own, so you'll keep burning until you fix it yourself. In fact, you can theoretically burn forever, even after you die. As a result, getting stunned while on fire is a lot more dangerous, and welder special attacks and other things that normally ignite you for a few moments can be a problem. This indirectly makes stop-drop-roll slightly worse at putting you out.Carpenter-1NoneYou can construct things more quickly than other people.You construct things at 2x speed. If you have Engineering Training, you do not get any additional construction speed boost (and vice versa).Kleptomaniac+1NoneYou will sometimes randomly pick up nearby items.You will pick up nearby items 9% of the time, occasionally chuckling and acting smug all the while.Clutz+2NoneWhen interacting with anything you have a chance to interact with something different instead.When interacting with anything you have a 10% chance to interact with something different instead..Two Left Feet+1NoneEvery now and then you'll stumble in a random direction.You have a 5% chance to stumble in a random direction when you try to move.Scared sh*tless0NoneLiterally. When you scream, you fart. Be careful around Bibles!Actually only works on involuntary screaming and not when you use the *scream emote.Hyperallergic+1AllergyYou have a severe sensitivity to allergens and are liable to slip into anaphylactic shock upon exposure.Histamine readily multiplies by itself in your system, to the point where it replenishes itself faster than even diphenhydramine removes it. Be wary of insect stings and other sources of histamine. You also start out with an auto-injector of epinephrine (essentially acting as an EpiPen), which will reduce the effects of high amounts of histamine, but not cure the source of it.Atheist0NoneIn this moment, you are euphoric. You cannot receive faith healing, and prayer makes you feel silly.Reduces downsides of bibles but also nullifies its upsides. The Bible cannot heal you, though you get less brain damage when it fails to heal you (i.e. always). Farting on one does not gib you, though using Brown Note around one is still a bad idea, and farting on mini-Bibles still turns you into chunky salsa.

Makes holy water less effective. Getting splashed with does not heal brain damage or remove plaguebringer curses; instead you just feel "insulted". It still helps put you out if you're on fire though.

If you're standing in the Chapel, you do not generate Faith for the Chaplain. If you are the Chaplain, your Faith gains are reduced by 80%. Using/losing Faith is unaffected.

Also changes flavor when praying. When you use the pray command, you get a silly flavor message, and admins who have hearing prayers enabled will see you have the atheist trait (because your prayer shows to them as "PRAYER (atheist):").

Reptilian-1SpeciesYou are an abhorrent humanoid reptile, cold-blooded and ssssibilant.You start out with the Saurian Genetics mutation. In summary, lizards have enhanced vision but decreased thermoregulation. Instead of hair, lizards can customize scale colors and patterns and can eat certain organs to change them on the fly. They also talk like snakes.

You're not an Antagonist and are considered human by the AI and cyborgs. Even if you weren't, the Rules still apply. People can't Grief you just for being a lizard when they're non-antag, and they also can't roleplay being bigoted against lizards, because bigotry against fictional reptiles is stupid and has no place on Goonstation.

Bovine-1SpeciesYou are a hummman, always have been, always will be, and any claimmms to the contrary are mmmoooonstrous liesYou start out with Bovine Genetics. In summary, bovines are a CowRP reference. Your blood is milk, and it bleeds easily. Your feet/hooves protect you from glass and are good at kicking but can't fit shoes, and your hooves and horns can be customized to different colors. The letter M gives you trouble.

You're sure you are human, and you are considered one according to the silicons' laws. In any case, you'd still be protected by the Rules.

Skeleton-1SpeciesCompress all of your skin and flesh into your bones, making you resemble a skeleton. Not as uncomfortable as it sounds.You start out with the Ossification mutation. Milk heals you a bit, your blood is calcium, your head and limbs feel rather loose, and making certain foods has unique interactions. You might not expect it, but AI and cyborgs do consider you human for law purposes, and like everyone, you're still protected by the Rules.

You cannot take this with the Puritan trait.

Roach-1SpeciesOne space-morning, on the shuttle-ride to the station, you found yourself transformed in your seat into a horrible vermin. A co*ckroach, specificallyYou start out with Blattodean genetics, so you're not completely a roach like The Metamorphosis, but a mix between human and roach. You see sliiightly better in the dark and can read writing made with infrared pens. You're immune to radiation, but BRUTE hurts you real bad. For the purposes of AI Laws, you are considered human.Pug-4SpeciesShould a pug really be on a space station? They aren't suited for space at all. They're practically a liability to the compan... Aw, look at those little ears!You start out with Canine Genetics and spawn with a dog treat with good buffs. As a pug, you get a unique *sleuth ability, plus some cute easter eggs, but you also have a lot of disadvantages, like taking twice as much OXY due to your poor respiratory system. This is designed as a "hard mode" species that's played as bragging rights, hence the point cost and drawbacks.Slipping Hazard+1NoneYou never were good at managing yourself slipping.When you slip (e.g. when walking over a banana peel), it's at least as intense as slipping on space lube. Note this does not affect how often or how likely you are to slip.Stumped0BodyBecause of a freak accident involving a piano, a forklift, and lots of vodka, both of your legs had to be amputated. Fortunately, NT has kindly supplied you with a wheelchair out of the goodness of their heart. (due to regulations)You start the shift without legs and with a wheelchair.Plasma Lungs+1BodyYou signed up for a maintenance experiment involving someone who was definitely a scientist and your lungs are now only capable of breathing in plasma. At least they gave you a free tank to breathe from.Both your lungs are plasmatoid lungs, essentially meaning you can breathe in plasma gas, but oxygen gas now harms to you. (Other forms of plasma and oxygen are not affected.) Your body cannot accept other lung types (i.e. you can't just replace your lungs), and they persist if you are cloned.

You also spawn equipped with a mini plasma tank and breath mask (if your job doesn't already provide you with a suitable mask), with internals toggled on so you don't immediately start choking on oxygen. Handily, the tank can fit in your belt slot.

Picky eater0NoneYour refined palate only tolerates a handful of foods.You have a list of five favorite foods, viewable via the Notes command. You can only eat those five foods. You can't eat anything else, and if someone tries to feed you food not on your list, it provides no healing, with a 70% chance of extra side effects: it might either make you vomit (30% chance), cause you to become dizzy and prone to missteps (40%), or render you unconscious for 2.5 seconds (30%).

On the Roleplay servers, eating one of your favorites heals a flat 20% Hunger, even if it's something that normally restores very little Hunger. If you get below 30% Hunger, your character becomes desperate enough to eat dishes that aren't on their favorites list. You'll still suffer the above adverse effects.

Trippy+1NoneYou have a tendency to randomly trip while moving.When you move, you have a 2% chance to trip, which in this case means you involuntarily enter Rest mode. You can still move (albeit slowly), but you drop whatever you're holding.

In addition, some jobs spawn with certain traits. Rather than choosing from a list like with traits available through character setup, you gain these automatically when spawning as a certain job. Most give some sort of job-related perk or benefit.

NameAssociated JobsEffectMedical TrainingRoboticist
Medical Doctor
Medical DirectorMakes you more proficient at using certain medical tools, lets you assess revival state of brains, and comes with a slight downside. To go into specifics:
  • You perform surgeries faster, and when you do, you can achieve higher maximum success rates and possibly cause less damage when you do screw up.
  • You can Examine brains to see if there's a still a player connected to a brain, e.g. they're dead and still awaiting revival ("still warm") or they've moved on to another body, e.g. they've set themselves to DNR or are already revived ("gone cold").
  • If you're standing on an operating table with an operating computer next to it, you can look at your damage levels, blood contents, and other health info on the computer. If someone without training tries this, the computer can't track them at all.
  • You are more likely to successfully get a reading from a stethoscope instead of comically failing.
  • Getting an apple thrown at you does more damage (specifically 3 BRUTE, up from 1), because "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", get it?
  • On roleplay-enabled servers, handwashing restores the hygiene motive faster.
Scientist TrainingResearch Director
Research AssistantAllows you to examine artifacts to gain special information on what type of artifact it might be. This includes the "appears to have a handle" messages, even though you don't probably don't need a PhD to see that.Chaplain TrainingChaplain, duhYou are immune to various Vampire, Wraith, or Wizard powers, causing them to have no effect on you. More details here.Kitchen TrainingChef
Sous ChefAllows you to examine food to see what buffs it will give as well as if the food is high quality.

On roleplay-enabled servers, handwashing restores the hygiene motive faster.

Professional DrinkerBartender
Head of SecurityYou spawn with alcohol resistance. Unlike Career Alcoholic, this does not make you talk like a drunkard or otherwise change how you speak.Security TrainingSecurity Officer
Head of Security
Nanotrasen Security Consultant
Discount Vigilante SuperheroYou handcuff people twice as fast. For reference, handcuffing someone normally takes 4 seconds, and this trait bumps it down to just 2. It also allows you to "batonfry", which is when you make donuts by hitting raw dough with a stun baton.Miner TrainingMinerYou can examine asteroids to see what kind of ore is inside. Also, whenever you *fart, you have a 1% chance to fart out a glowstick. This is a reference to Deep Rock Galactic, a sci-fi FPS about dwarven miners in SPACE!; there, F is puts down a light source, but here, it makes you fart.Engineering TrainingEngineer
Chief Engineer
SalvagerConstructing and deconstructing structures by hand (e.g. building a regular wall) takes only half the time. Since most of these take 5 seconds, this means they'll only take 2.5 seconds. One of the exceptions is building catwalks; it normally takes 2 seconds, but this trait makes it instant. This does not stack with Carpenter. In addition, you can fix the salvager zip gun if it jams.Quartermaster TrainingQuartermasterTraders will now tolerate 50% more when haggling. This does not stack with Smooth Talker.Clown TrainingClown
Blue ClownYou can juggle (that is, use the *juggle emote) and automatically spawn with the Dyspraxia (you are comically clumsy and may screw up in amusing ways) and Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-CS mutations (you speak with a Comic Sans font). These cannot be removed by any means. This trait mostly exists to ensure clowns who get cloned still get their starting clown font and clumsiness.Mime TrainingMimeYou automatically spawn with the Melanin Eraser (ghostly white pallor) and Frontal Gyrus Suspension mutations (aka muteness). These cannot be removed by any means, so if you die and are cloned, you are still mute and really pale. (Commit to the bit!) On the bright side, you can juggle (that is, use the *juggle emote).StowawayStowawayYou spawn in a random locker or crate on the station; the game picks from lockers/crates without access locks, so you can't spawn in, say, a Security equipment locker or a personal locker.

Since you've been smuggled aboard, you do not get normal employee provisions:

  • You do not spawn with your job's associated ID or starting cash.
  • You do not have a bank account.
  • The arrivals announcement computer does not proclaim your presence.
  • You are not on the crew manifest.
  • You do not get a PDA, unless you also spawn as a Spy Thief.
Traits - Space Station 13 Wiki (2024)


What is the point of Space Station 13? ›

Generally, Space Station 13 takes place several centuries in the future on a research station owned by the megacorporation known as Nanotrasen. The station exists to research the mineral 'plasma' (also referred to as 'phoron'), which is very valuable, possibly due to its extreme flammability.

What is the objective of Space Station 13? ›

  • 1 Elimination. 1.1 Assassination. 1.2 Antagonist Supremacy. ...
  • 2 Stealing Multiple Items. 2.1 Hearts. 2.2 Butts. ...
  • 3 Stealing a Unique Item. 3.1 Head Valuable. 3.2 HoS beret/hat. ...
  • 4 Destroy the Captain's prized bonsai tree.
  • 5 Rescue Monsieur Stirstir.
  • 6 Gimmick.
  • 7 Escaping. 7.1 Escape on the Shuttle Alive. 7.2 Stay Alive. ...
  • 8 Gallery.
Aug 17, 2024

What are Z levels in Space Station 13? ›

Z-Levels are the various maps with set borders that contain the playable areas of SS13. Moving off the edge of a z-level in space will place you somewhere on the opposite edge of another z-level.

How do you walk around in Space Station 13? ›

The WASD hotkey for this is Q . Run/Walk toggles between movement speeds.

How do you talk in Space Station 13? ›

How do I talk? To speak to fellow players, type Say, press spacebar, and write your message. Press Enter. To speak on your headset, type Say, press spacebar, type a ;, then write your message.

Is space station 14 the same as 13? ›

Space Station 14 is a remake of SS13 that runs on Robust Toolbox, our homegrown engine written in C#.

How do you eat in Space Station 13? ›

How do I eat something. Click on the piece of food with an empty hand to pick it up, then click on your character. Make sure you are not wearing a mask or helmet that covers the face.

What is the role of AI in Space Station 13? ›

The AI can deploy to shell and scoot around the station in a silly little cyborg form. AI also has superuser access for TermOS (they do not need an ID inserted for this), allowing them to control GuardBuddies through prman, among other things.

How do you sit down in Space Station 13? ›

To buckle yourself onto a chair, stand over a chair and do one of the following:
  1. Press Z (or C if you're on /tg/style WASD) while on any intent besides Grab.
  2. Click on yourself while on Help intent.
  3. Drag your character's sprite onto the chair's sprite.
Aug 15, 2024

How do they go to the bathroom on the space station? ›

The bathroom is full of handholds and footholds so that astronauts don't drift off in the middle of their business. To pee, they can sit or stand and then hold the funnel and hose tightly against their skin so that nothing leaks out. To poop, astronauts lift the toilet lid and sit on the seat — just like here on Earth.

Where do crew sleep on ISS? ›

Space station crews usually sleep in sleeping bags located in small crew cabins.

What is Space Station 13 coded in? ›

Object Oriented Programming In Byond.

What was the point of the space station program? ›

As a home to humans and a lab for scientific research for more than 20 years, the International Space Station is a one-of-a-kind platform for advancing technologies such as robots, computers, health monitors, life support systems, and more for both space and ground applications.

What is the goal of the space station? ›

The mission of the International Space Station is to enable long-term exploration of space and provide benefits to people on Earth. With six state-of-the-art laboratories, the Space Station will be the premiere research facility in space, four times larger and more capable than any previous space station.

How do you point on Space Station 13? ›

Toggle point mode (Move the mouse cursor over an object and click to point at it). Select your intent: Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm, respectively.


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Article information

Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 5934

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.